Friday, March 25, 2005

Phew - done!

A mile before time (well, over a month), I've sent in the 2nd assignment and filed away my folder and bits! I had the mark for the first assignment, earlier this week - 85% and some very encouraging remarks from my tutor, Fiona! So, happy with that, I finished off the BIG one and sent it in ... fingers crossed that it's good enough!

I would recommend the course, though I'm not certain that I learnt an awful lot (except how to punctuate dialogue properly!) - nor am I convinced that writing is something which can be taught. I enjoyed the dabbling, however, and I'm considering continuing this last short story into a novel - Tragic Dave and all!! :) But, for now, that's me done. I can now concentrate completely on U316 and give my head a rest from the confusion of having two courses on the go.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Phew - nearly done!

Almost there! Have submitted my effort at the first TMA - three short stories - one about a child in the street, a characterisation and one which we asked to be inspired to write after listening to the radio. I have very iffy thoughts on those, and will be very interested to see what my tutor thinks!! I've also nearly finished the longer short story for the second TMA - just needs some fine tuning. Never thought I'd become Ruth Rendell!!!

I feel now that I have a million more stories in my head - and that writing fiction is a very quick route to inner voices and insanity!! :)